I am already a fan of visual studio code, but recently I discovered some features which made it only better.

This blog on github is created mainly using visual studio code. But actually I don’t have visual studio code installed. I’m editing it in my browser on my iPad from the kitchen! I love the “new” web editor in github. Actually I really love the fact that you can start editing now from anywhere anytime, almost no prerequisites. You can launch vscode in your browser by pressing the dot . on your keyboard, and a new environment will be created, where your complete repository is cloned and ready to change. How great is that?!

The best part, is that you can not only do this with Github but also on Azure Devops! Go to your repository in the browser and press the dot . and the magic happens. For big changes, it might not be the ideal environment, but if you want to create a small change or file a PR, it might just suit your needs.
If you want an overview of the other options, press the question mark ? and you get the overview. It is something small but I found so usefull, I needed it to share with you!

If you have any questions or comments (including typos ;) ) please leave them over here

Thanks for reading and learning along! See you next time!

References about vscode web

https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/vscode-web ( here, it still mentions readonly for Azure Repos, but this is outdated )